Save Email as Draft in Communication Center
David Pfeffer
Ability to save an email and return to it. Currently you can only send the email or exit the email without sending. Besides for the additional functionality of being able to pause writing your email, open another record and return without losing your work, this is an issue party because there is no way to minimize the email screen to be able to continue working in Smartsuite without exiting (and losing your drafted email).
Please allow users to save emails as drafts in the communication center and the ability to minimize the email screen and open a separate record without losing your work!
PS - Drafts should only be visible to the user who wrote it.
Jon Darbyshire
Thank you for posting, David Pfeffer! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide more details on how you envision the draft saving process? For example, would you like drafts to be saved automatically or manually?
- How long would you like the drafts to be stored in the system?
- Would you like to have any specific features for managing drafts, such as categorizing, searching, or deleting?
David Pfeffer
Jon Darbyshire I'll leave those details to you. I'd just appreciate the feature in its most basic form and can iterate from there. Thank you!