SS needs much more robust UI's along the lines of AT* or similar. We should be able to have different record views for different grids of the same table. And not just limited to two columns as is current. We need dedicated UI's separate from the "data layer". Customizable side panels, modal popups, tabs and sections (similar to record views), etc. We need to be able to modify font styles (bold, italic) and colors in grid columns. SS needs to stop automatically deciding which fields should go in which columns in record details. We should have TOTAL control over which options to show in grids - including read-only grids, which options to allow for editing or entering new records, which toolbar items to show or hide, dropdown filters (as in dashboards), etc. We need a proper traditional login option for users with a customizable login page. User's don't need to know (and mostly could care less) about SmartSuite. We need a real customizable menu controlled by the SS builder. SS could bring so much more to the UI than it is offering currently. -- * Not that AT is all that robust, it's really not. But compared to the current limitations in SS, it is.