Conditional status sequence for workflow maintenance
Konstantin Skorodumov
I'd like to set a status sequence in specific records. For example: in App Deal, we have statuses as follows: evaluation, offer, deal, refusal, renewal, and completed. Can we set the sequence in this way, for example:
from evaluation - only offer,
from the offer - only deal or refusal
from the deal - only renewal or completed?
IMHO, it's a must-have feature for any workflow process management.
this is essential, if you want to have workflow then you need to specify what the possible states to transition are
JIRA had it since the early days
Petar Ivancevic
This seems like it should be broader than just Status fields. This is essentially a filtered Values List. So ideally the Single Select and Multi Select would be able to show or hide values based on conditions.
Dan Leeman
Here is another feature that would tie well to this one:
Garrett Clawson
This is a really good idea. I'd also be interested in seeing certain fields "grayed out"/made unavailable until other fields have reached certain a certain status/value.