Ability to add formula field to sub-items
Very slow progress smartsuite. Moving to a different solution.
Daniel Graber
Any idea on A timeframe for this feature to be built and released?
Orel Mor Yosef
Please Please Please Please, I am building inventory and invoices tracking system and this would be a life saver!!!
Bryce Claudin
need this for job estimates:
Material, Quantity, Unit Cost
Please add formula field in sub-items. It is not there.
Connor Masterson
Peter Novosel This is mission critical feature for us to deploy several companies over to SmartSuite and it also seems to be critical to several other customers. Do you have a timeline on when this can be achieved?
To show how critical it is I would be willing to contribute to paying for the prioritization of this feature and I bet other customers would do the same.
Help us Peter you are our only hope!
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
Available in other software.
Connor Masterson
Threads Julian Dumitrascu: What other software provides this feature?
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
Connor Masterson: Where is your GitHub profile?
Janita Shelton
An upvote for this functionality.
I'm a manufacturer. wanting to create Bill of Materials.
Cheers. 😁
Mike Jungers
The addition of formula fields and rollups for subtasks would allow me to move my entire process over to SmartSuite. I own a small construction company, and the reason I haven't made the move yet is that a significant portion of managing our projects involves granular decisions involving money.
The typical use case would be modifying a proposal to fit a project into a client's budget. I will often make product and work scope changes that need to be summarized under broader categories for presentation and approval by the customer. For example, installing drywall window returns instead of painted jambs and casings involves maybe a dozen item-level changes in my current estimating process but is presented as changes to the "Windows" and "Interior Trim" line items in my proposal. My current process is based around SmartSheet, which does a great job with these parent-child (task-subtask) rollups but is not a good match for my other needs.
Here's my wish list:
1) The option of collapsing /displaying Subtasks as indented entries (parent-child style) in the grid view, with greying out of fields that are not part of the subtask field structure.
2) The addition of the existing formula field type to subtasks.
3) The addition of a "Rollup Subtasks" button to the current Rollup field type that would include all the options that the column summary display currently offers. This would include "Empty", "None", and "Filled" rollup counts.
4) Dates in Subtasks would rollup into date ranges at the Task level based on Subtask date extents.
For SmartSuite to work end-to-end for me, I need to have this level of mathematical sophistication for the first step in my project development process. Everything in my industry ultimately pivots off cost as a go / no-go threshold, with time and resource management becoming prominent once the money hurdle is cleared. SmartSuite looks to be a great fit for project management once the pricing hurdle is cleared, which is why I hope the functionality gap can be closed.
Justin McDaniel
Mike Jungers: I'm in the exact same position as you. I'm also converting my entire work stack for my construction company over to Smartsuite, but this one feature is keeping me from doing so. I'd love to see what you've done so far
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Formula field
Chamberlain Finances
Need formula field under the sub-item for billable hours. Please include rollups/look up.
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