Clearing a field as an Action
Dan Leeman
I would like to set up an Automation where the action is to clear the value of a field. However, when creating actions, I cannot find a choice for "null" or "clear".
For example (see screenshot), I would like a Date field named "Send Email On This Date" to be cleared as part of an automation. However, I can't find an option under "Dates from Trigger" or Date Actions or Specific Dates.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
Empty a date
Alexandre PELLET
Need ability to empty a date when updating a record. We only can set a date.
Artem Kunytsia
Jeffrey Parsons
Artem Kunytsia Awesome! Assuming this is rolled out currently, how do we use it?
Artem Kunytsia
Jeffrey Parsons:
Please check out my LinkedIn update here:
Jeffrey Parsons
Artem Kunytsia This is awesome. Far better than what I was hoping for!
Peter Novosel
In the Update Records action, you can now specify the type of update for each field:
Replace value (default)
Append value
Clear value
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Chris Williams
I know this is planned so hopefully we have a solution soon. For now though, I'd like to offer a workaround that I've created for clearing linked record values via automation. To do this, I created a new formula field with the formula itself (""), essentially a no value formula. Then, I just assign that field as the value replacement for a linked record field in the automation. It seems to be working for me for now. I hope this helps until we have a native solution.
Artem Kunytsia
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
'Clear' field action
Pinny Geliebter
Need a way to clear fields based in an automation.
Example: On a trigger I want a date field to be wiped clean.
Andrew Wollf
Same for Linked Record Fields. PLEASE!!!
JeremyX TamX
Great idea, Dan! And so glad to hear the designs are already ready Artem Kunytsia :) Will the new round of changes also allow incrementing a value? The ability to automate a numerical field type change (+/- x) would be a great value add.
Artem Kunytsia
under review
Artem Kunytsia
Dan Leeman
In fact, we already have the design ready.
It foresees 3 options:
- Void value
- Replace value
- Append value (applies for certain field types only, for example, Linked Records)
I'm moving this under Feature Requests section.
We'll discuss with Jon the timeframe for the implementation.
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