Comment on SmartDocs
Joël de Regt
For SOP's to work, it should be really easy for everyone involved to suggest improvements, discuss the steps, and point out outdated information.
In ClickUp we can comment on Docs, have the comment show up in the MyWork of the manager that gets @mentioned, and they can reply to start a discussion or resolve the comment when it get's fixed.
In SmartSuite we have the ability to @mention someone in SmartDocs, but this clutters the doc, makes it difficult to have a discussion, and the comment can't be marked as 'resolved'.
Ara Bozadjian
Yup, same frustrations atm, ClickUp does a great job of this as do GoogleDocs and DropBox Paper. :)
Saad Jennane
I came to write this exact feature request, the comment doesn't solve the problem, because we'll need to manually search the smart doc, it should be possible to highlight a section, comment it, assign the comment and mark it as resolved, the comments could show in the comments section but linked to a part of the SmartDoc, that would be amazing