When you're viewing a course page, such as https://academy.smartsuite.com/course/introductiontoformulas it would be really helpful to have some improved navigation to...
  • The next course in the learning track.
  • The previous course in the learning track.
  • Back to the main page of the learning track.
As well as some information on how much you've progressed in the learning track overall.
As someone who's done a lot of these trainings and tracks over the past week, I've found myself having to go back to the top nav every time to get back to the track. Very much a nice to have feature but would improve the experience in my mind!
Excellent training content, by the way. :)
EDIT: Also I've found a minor bug, also with the navigation. When you finish a certification course, you are only given the options to retake, view results, and download certification but there is no way to go back to the main courses screen!