Dashboard Image Display
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya James Malin, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision the large image dashboard display to function?
- What specific features would you like to see in the record picker?
- How do you see the integration of the large image dashboard display and the record picker improving your workflow?
James Malin
Jon Darbyshire Hi Jon, appreciate the follow up.
So we currently have clients who view on site property related images on a larger size scale. I would like to use card view on L/XL but this also makes the rest of the records too large and increases scrolling: Image viewing is related to construction, insurance, home services etc), some clients have requested the view of larger images to avoid clicking into each image. (image below shows one existing app used, and our current alternative which hasn't been recieved that well)
Not just images i could imagine showing PDF, Docs, etc in this manner as well once records are picked this could be an interesting use case for others too from an interactive dashboard standpoint
Since the inception of the record picker & record display, this has added a whole dynamic to SS that didn't exist before. It feels like we are on the cusp of truly making internal apps / smart dashboards / websites all to match.
Currently with a few builds, for a larger image/file display, we would be looking into something like noloco for now to suffice as the interface for showing files in a slightly different light
Image below shows clients current app & our current SS version