Different permission levels for testing.
As an admin user/ account owner. I have access to everything.
But when thinking about the user experience it would be nice to see what someone else would see in their permission class.
whether it is hidden fields- hidden records.
It would be cool for testing because the work around is creating and paying for test users and logging into different accounts.
Not urgent, but something to think about.
Sarah Humphries
This would be very helpful as an Admin. I've seen this work well before in other systems using an impersonate user feature. Obviously only admins can use it
Ian Tam
Being able to see two accounts in one is probably not a great security feature. Potentially quite confusing. I have not seen any systems allow that yet. But I am not an expert. Just not sure vendors would like that idea. You might want to test it in a free plan maybe to avoid cost? I am currently using two browsers Edge and Chrome to login at the same time to test the effect of permissions and team collaborations. Works well to have two screens.
Ian Tam: In Development I've seen modes like "impersonating" so it would log you in as that user.
Or i've seen the ability to test at a permissions level.
The big thing is having a variety of field permissions in a record- or permission across solutions.
And as an admin you see everything.
But getting the view from that permission level to optimize user experience is key.
I am most likely going to create another user as a test- to have assigned to level permissions or others to truly test how things are working.
A big aspect is testing and not just trusting- imagine you heard that view level permissions worked, but they didn't so 50 of your clients saw each others information- that would be a problem so just having that testing ability.