Display a Grid View in a Dashboard
Jon Darbyshire
Ability to display a grid view in a dashboard widget.
Each time the report is updated, the changes should be reflected in the widget.
Users should be able to click on a record to view the record modal and make updates to the records.
Users should be able to view the widget in full-screen mode and make updates to the content in the grid (inline edit).
An example of how we will use this is our Sales for the Quartner by Product.
Brian Dollen
This was released with our mid January release. You can find the article detailing the features here: https://help.smartsuite.com/en/articles/6845123-grid-widget
Chaya Gutnick
Jon Darbyshire will this be able to pull data from multiple apps just like other dashboard widgets can?
Jon Darbyshire
Chaya Gutnick: Yes it will. This is complete and will be released later this week. I have included an image below that shows you can select content from any Solution and App that you have access to.
Chaya Gutnick
Jon Darbyshire: Thank you!
Vasken Bakalian
Jon Darbyshire: This is available since some time now, will the status remain "In Progress" ?
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Jon Darbyshire