Document Designer Templates
Adam J
As part of the Document Designer feature, it would be great to be able to create document templates and use them across different tables within a base.
If this is too much to ask, as a minimum, please enable copying documents from one table to another (accepting that individual fields would be lost but the general layout and static components would be carried over).
A specific use case would be to reuse a template / design for quotes and invoices sitting in different tables.
Currently, this requires a complete rebuild (also noting that somewhat surprisingly, docs do not get copied when a table is duplicated...).
Lowenna Luke
Please let us create a template that can be exported, either alongside a solution template or standalone. It is a complete and utter waste of my time to have to duplicate it from a proof of concept to a client's live account.
Adam J
Hi Jon Darbyshire - thanks for your reply.
- In the first instance all static / unlinked elements and page formatting, esp. the header and footer; the point is about 1) consistency and 2) saving time
- Whenever there are quotes, proposals, invoices, reports etc. sent externally - so lots and lots of use cases
- I did not realise there was an option to copy anything out of one doc in one table to another in another table, I tried the conventional methods and duplicating whole tables - nothing gets copied. But I may have missed a trick in which case please point me to where I should look.
And thinking about how doc templates might work, the easiest option (UX view) would be to "save the design" (at the solution level or perhaps even workspace) and then recall the design in different tables (excl. the dynamic fields). If the users like it and/or it is a differentiator (which it would be) you can then think of adding more sophistication. Does this help?
Jon Darbyshire
Thank you for posting, Adam J! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific elements or features would you like to be included in the document templates?
- How frequently do you anticipate using the document templates across different tables?
- Are there any specific challenges you face with the current document copying process that we should address?