Enable adding conditions for Scheduled Time Automation
in progress
Vasken Bakalian
I have these tables
1) Expenses
2) Payment templates
I need to run automation to populate the salaries (recurring payments) every month in the "Expenses" table from the "Payment Templates" table, on the 1st of the month, ONLY for records that have a type = salary
Currently, I am able to do with the "Record Updated" trigger to benefit from the conditions, by adding several extra fields (to do the job of the scheduled time)
We Have A Tender
David Monahu
Are there any updates on this Artem Kunytsia? Looks like it would be a good option for generating invoices too.
Brandon Laigle
I have a similar use case and am looking forward to this being implemented or the 100 record cap on find record being raised or removed.
Artem Kunytsia
in progress
Artem Kunytsia
Vasken Bakalian
Ok, I need a little help here.
- On the action side: do you want to create records in Expenses? Or are you looking for a way to update existing records there on a periodic basis?
Could record a loom and show me your current setup please?
Vasken Bakalian
Artem Kunytsia: Sure!
Another similar use case.
Artem Kunytsia
Vasken Bakalian
We are reviewing existing Canny requests that have not been marked as completed.
The link to Loom got expired, but reading through a description it seems that it was a case for a combo of "At a scheduled time" and "Multiple Find" steps. Were you able to complete the use case?
Or do you need an ability to iterate (loop) against records?
We're super close on rolling out looping (probably next week). But I'm just trying to understand if this particular one os resolved.