Expanded Record Data Window
Gary Ford
To keep my field names as short as possible i often do not use spaces, and use abbreviate words and mix Upper and Lower case to make the field name more legible without spaces. When a record is expanded into the Data Window it defaults to making all of the field names uppercase. This tends to make many of my field name illegible! I personally see zero benefit to this feature and I would much prefer if the data window kept my upper and lowercase formatting.
Jon Darbyshire
Thank you for posting, Gary Ford! I have a few more questions for you:
- How frequently do you use the Data Window feature, and how critical is it to your workflow?
- Would you prefer an option to toggle between uppercase and original formatting, or should the original formatting always be preserved?
- Are there any specific field names or examples where the current formatting causes confusion or errors?
Gary Ford
Jon Darbyshire 1) historically I never used the data window, however as new users are added the data window seems to make users more comfortable. I have appreciated the new (or newly discovered) features that have been added to the data window. 2) I can not envision ever needing to see field names in upper case. For me "all uppercase" is difficult to read. 3) all field names in upper case are hard to read.
Ara Bozadjian
Jon Darbyshire
- I like having the option to go All Uppercase. But would love an option to give Fields Short and Long names for this exact reason. Long Field names are great in Record View, but in Table View, they can be a problem, especially when the width required for that Fields data is a check box.