Folders For Automations 🙏
Tommy Martin
Being able to group automations into folders would be sooo useful in keep things organized and knowing how/where to find specific automations.
With hundreds of automations across different tables/solutions it is impossible to keep track of what needs maintenance and updating, even with a meticulous naming convention.
Sheldon Garnett
Also this would help to quickly copy automatoons to other solutions.
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya Tommy Martin, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- How do you currently organize your automations, and what challenges do you face with the current system?
- What specific features would you like to see in the folder system for automations?
- How frequently do you update or maintain your automations, and how would folders improve this process?
Tommy Martin
Jon Darbyshire Hey!
- I try to use numbers, or keywords, so that similar automations are grouped together. With the limitation to characters in the titles it can be limited to sub-categorize with words.
- Just want to be able to add automations inside folders, the same way folders work inside apps to organize views. This would make it so much easier to keep things sorted. I might be more of a heavier user but I tend to create multiple automations at once. So the folder feature is really valuable to have subsets.
- All day every day. Lol, having the folders would allow me to visually see what I have for a specific part of a workflow/process, and what automation needs/can be improved for the workflow.
Thanks Jon.