Forms: Radio buttons appear as drop-down when published (and default value doesn't populate)
Barry Ross
Creating forms with checkbox options vs dropdown fields would be great. One less click to fill out on the form.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
Field Display Options for Forms
When a field has different types of displays (radio buttons, dropdown, etc.), they display as selected on the Edit page, but only as a dropdown on the actual shared form. Add the ability to display them as selected. (Ex: Multiple Select = Checkbox list, Rating = Show the icon selected)
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya BCMMETRICS Help Desk, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide examples of when you would prefer to use each type of field display?
- Are there specific forms or fields where this feature is most needed?
- How do you envision this feature improving your workflow or user experience?
Jon Darbyshire, thanks for reaching out and seeking more detail!
- I don't believe there is a large number of specific use cases; it will depend on the individual user. In my case, I would use the two fields I provided in a client feedback form. The visual nature of the fields makes the forms come off cleaner and simpler.
- Specific Forms: Customer Feedback, Onboarding, Change Requests, Help
Desk, Performance Reviews,
Specific Fields: Single Select, Multiple Select, Rating, Number Slider,
Percent Complete
- First, the feature will reduce the time taken comparing the form setup screen to the actual live form. This will also contribute to the UX because there won't be any confusion.
Adding this function allows users more configurability and freedom to customize their forms to fit their brand identity.
Jon Darbyshire
BCMMETRICS Help Desk I have discussed this with our product and engineering teams and we are going to see how we can get this into the short term development schedule for you
Jon Darbyshire Amazing, thank you! Looking forward to seeing it!
Artem Kunytsia
Hello Jeff Eusebio,
Yes, you are correct, both of these features have not been implemented yet.
- The only display format is a dropdown
- Default values are not applied on the published form
The second issue is already scheduled for implementation (right after the conditional logic).
A piece with various display formats has not been scheduled yet.
I will move this ticket to the Feature Requests, so community members could upvote and bring it up in the queue.