Import Wizard
in progress
Layla at ProcessDriven
In addition to CSV imports, it would be invaluable to have a user-friendly import wizard (with step by step prompts) to allow you to easily migrate your data into SmartSuite.
This might include wizards for platforms like: Airtable, ClickUp, Asana, Notion, etc...
For an example of this, see the "Import from Popular Apps" section on ClickUp's documentation (
Peter Novosel
Import from Airtable is available in production. We are planning to add additional platforms including:, Asana, and ClickUp.
Will Hasty
Jon Darbyshire, This has been in progress for a long time. Any progress on additional import functionality and/or format options? Being able to import JSON data would be ideal as many tools export in JSON due to embedded comments.
Oscar Viniegra
Unfortunately, the current import wizard is very impractical, it takes forever to import tables because each field must be created, and type matched. Smartsuite could use Airtable's wizard as a benchmark, one can throw an excel file to it and it can import all the tables at once, hassle free.
Jon DarbyshireeeArtem Kunytsia is there a tentative date for the update of this import wizard?
Chad Urbshott
Any word or update when this feature will be released? This is badly needed as the current import function is subpar and takes forever to bring in a simple CSV or spreadsheet. Almost every other database system has an import wizard much more capable than this. I can upload an entire Excel workbook and every table is setup with column headings matched automatically.
Artem Kunytsia, Stoyan Daskaloff • Design Lead @ SmartSuite, when is the Airtable import wizard expected to be released?
Tracey Lorenson
Any progress on this? I know there were comments a year ago that it was coming soon but with data in Airtable and Clickup the costs of moving/getting set up with SS aren't worth it until we can import.
This is essential, especially considering that Airtable has altered its pricing model. Many users are actively seeking a superior tool at the same or even lower cost. And please keep in mind that Airtable users may not vote here because they are not yet users of SmartSuite. I only did this because it is currently crucial and urgent for me. If it were easy to switch from Airtable, that would be a game-changer. Do you already have a release date for the Airtable import tool?
Randall Nichols
Chen: Would be great to have this sooner than later. Especially need for ClickUP
Artem Kunytsia
in progress
Christian Stenner
Please, add Trello import as well.
Jeff Eusebio
ClickUp has an amazing import from Asana. We made the decision to move to SmartSuite rather than ClickUp, but we have a
of project info we need to move over from Asana. Eventually, not tomorrow. Here's hoping for prioritization for an Asana import!(A workaround in the short term would be to import from Asana to Clickup then Clickup to SmartSuite.)
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