Keep "Find" function visible when hiding Toolbar row
Jami Morris
Jon Darbyshire Is there any plan to add a Search widget, similar to the filter widget? That would solve for this.
Jami Morris
This is a must for my company. Example: I've embedded a grid view on our intranet Google site that our entire company will use; however, I'm not able to go live with the page because I need people to be able to use the Find icon without having to see all the filter options. This is definitely something that would improve UX.
Colleen Deal
Having the share link still accessible would be great as well. I hate having to unlock the view, unhide the toolbar, copy the share link to wherever I need to put it, then rehide the toolbar, and relock the view.
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Allow Find tool to be available outside of main toolbar row
YES Integrations
Problem: Sometimes it is useful to be able to hide the toolbar row to simplify the view when the view setup (filters, sorts, spotlights etc) does not need to be changed, especially in public views. Often the Find tool from this toolbar is still useful in that case, but hiding the toolbar also hides the find tool.
Allow the find tool to be accessed even when the toolbar is hidden.
Jon Darbyshire
Hello YES Integrations! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details on how you envision accessing the Find tool when the toolbar is hidden?
- Are there any other tools besides the Find tool that you would like to access when the toolbar is hidden?
- How often do you find yourself needing to use the Find tool while the toolbar is hidden?
YES Integrations
Jon Darbyshire
- I envision the find tool to be available at the top of the screen next tot eh view title. It would be great if crtl+f accessed it too. I understand there are plans to link ctrl+f with the power search, but generally when within a certain view the find tool is more useful. I think power search would be better assigned to ctrl+shift+f when within a view
- Perhaps a reminder of what the filter, sorts and spotlights are, but not the ability to change them
- We have had feedback from multiple team members that they need this functionality. This means we cannot hide the toolbar.