Link to whole table
YES Integrations
When creating a linked record field it would be really useful to have an option to link to a whole table of records, instead of just individual records in that table. This would enable calculations involving all records in that table.
Such links would be extremely useful for review and overview purposes and accessing useful properties such as the number of records in a table for use in calculations and automations
Jon Darbyshire
Hello YES Integrations! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide a specific use case where linking to a whole table would be beneficial for your workflow?
- Are there any specific calculations or automations you're looking to perform with the number of records in a table?
- Would you need to have control over which records in the table are included in the link, or would it always include all records?
YES Integrations
Hi Jon Darbyshire, thanks for the quick response:
- Yes, a couple:
• Counting how many jobs have been assigned to a specific user over all time (using COUNTIF), or over a specific time period (using GET_LIST). Historical values of this metric and others like it could even be stored in a table using a scheduled automation and trends could be examined.
• Determining how many projects have been created in a given year and using that figure in a unique meaningful ID for each new project, or using other global measures in specific records.
I believe the use cases in this request ( would also be addressed. The QUERY() formula Dan is talking about could be GET_LIST(), with the "table you want to reference" being replaced by the link to an entire table.
- Not really. It was just an example of a relevant number that we can't actually access in any Formula field as things stand.
- The filter in GET_LIST() provides a convenient way of filtering groups of records down to what is needed, and the filter option in a lookup provides a more user friendly way of implementing the same, so control over which records are included would not really be needed at the link level. Linking to all records in the table would be simpler and just as effective.
YES Integrations
I'm not sure what happened to the formatting here but I can't seem to change it. The second "1" should be a "2" and so on
YES Integrations
Hi again Jon Darbyshire. I actually think having control over which records are linked to could be beneficial, because the GET_LIST() functionality doesn't allow to open the record you are interested in. Having a built in filter to a "whole table" link would allow this link to display the records you're interested in and quickly access them.