Make URLs clickable by default
Ernesto Gutierrez
This is something that's quite common in almost every app nowadays.
For example, in a record's description, URLs are not clickable by default. You have to select the text, CLICK the link icon in the menu (the (almost) universal cmd+k shortcut doesn't work here), enter the URL and then click "Add Link".
It's just too many steps.
I understand some users might not have a need for this, so maybe consider implementing this as optional at the solution, or the account level.
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
When I press a linking string, SmartSuite display the commands Open, Edit, and Remove. I'd rather it opened the linked page in a new browser tab.
To display the related commands, one could take another action, e.g. right-click.
It seems the easiest way to link a text string to a Web page is to paste the page address onto the string. (This feature is available in other software.)
Hope Taylor
Yeah working in wordpress that bothers me, have not had to chance to get far in this yet but about to go all in so I am scrolling the features and requests. I think this would be a good feature as well.