Assuming this request will be developed and we will have Solution grouping in any sort or form, it would be very useful to set permissions to the whole group.
Will elaborate more by an example:
I have my paid plan where I have my freelace/agency setup & systems like CRM, projects, Finances ..etc
Also I have another set of solutions for content, where I create Template like solutions to record looms.
I also have another group for Client solutions, these could be for demo/aftersales purposes, or just developing them temporarily until I move the solution to the client workspace.
Additional groups/sections might be for testing, experiments, learning, teaching ... etc
And I'll have colleagues who will join my workspace only for the internal management group or the client demo group and don't have to see or touch the content or experiments or any of the noise left.
I know I can set each solution one by one, but since each group may have 10 or even up to 20 solutions, it would be very useful to set permissions on the group level
Currently I am using colors, sometimes numbers (to sort the solutions)