Amanda Bullock
We would also like delay automations for triggers.
Ie: Trigger X happens, wait 30 minutes, THEN run the automation.
Please! We're getting so many errors because of timing differences where the creation automation is running a little slow, and then another automation errors because the record hasn't been created yet.
Alex Stoica
Amanda BullockYes!!
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
delay timer
Carla Williams
delay timer for automations. example: send this email, then 24 hours later send this email
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
"Wait X Days" when trigger multiple automations
6 Stars Cleaning
"Wait X Days" when trigger multiple automations
Jon Darbyshire
Hey Sam Palgon, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide some examples of the types of automations you'd like to see delay steps and if/then branches for?
- What specific functionality are you hoping to achieve with the addition of delay steps and if/then branches in automations?
- How frequently would you use these new features in your workflow?
Richard Åkerblad
Automation to set a due date x days away. Another automation runs when thduedste occurs? As a temp solution