Please make Dashboards viewable on mobile
in progress
Vova Chobotko
Hello, everyone!
Our dev team is working on getting more widgets available for you. Charts are coming in the near future, Views will be added later. But please see a list of the widgets that are already available for both iOS and Android on both tablets and mobile devices:
- Filter Widget
- World Clock
- Countdown
- Heading
- Simple Banner
- FAQ Widget
- Footer
- Text Block
- Comparison Metric
- Progress Metric
- Summary Card
- YouTube
- Figma
- Custom Code
- Webpage
- Vimeo
- InVision
- Google Docs ( view only )
- Google Sheets ( view only )
- Google Meet
- Zoom
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Benjamin Bachman
Jon Darbyshire it's the small things.... or sometimes big things! Thanks for moving this along.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
IOS App needs features
Michelle Van Ryn
Add dashboards to IOS app
Mary Bone
super frustrating when you go to the effort of making the form, putting it in a dashboard for easy access and designing it with the intention of it being seen on a mobile device... and then you can't...
Tom BD
Yes please. 🙏
6 Stars Cleaning
Wouldn't imagine this is not possible in SS when we switched from Clickup
Alex Stoica
Another vote for this!