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David Monahu
Any updates on this? I understand in a team environment why you would want items to come through with an empty priority, but for solo operators, if you want to utilise the "my work" section (which still has a way to go) it makes setting a priority in-task a bit pointless
Absolutely necessary to correct this! The need to set the priority for the task in My Work independently makes it useless, because instead of being the tool which made to simplify the process of reviewing current tasks collected from all solutions, it overcomplecates the process. Now I have to do the job twice. First set the record parameters in the Solution. And then go to My Work, find it first (which is not a moment task if your priority is not set automatically and you have a lot of due records) and set the priority again. Please fix it.

Artem Kunytsia
in progress
Mike Cribb
I may have misunderstood the issues here. If an item has been set as say High Priority in an App and then assigned to a person. When that person looks at their My Work tab presumably that doesn’t yet have a priority (for them)? I was assuming it would carry over the App record priority but it doesn’t seem to? Is that correct?

Artem Kunytsia
Mike Cribb:
Oooooh, ok, I see.
The Priority flag lives in the scope of your My Work only. It does not come from an actual record (unlike the Status and Due Date).
Which is why, when you re-assign a record to somebody else it will appear in their My Work with an empty Priority.
We plan to introduce a "management view" for My Work, so that a person with sufficient permissions could have a helicopter view on everyone else's tasks.
Let me move this thread to Feature Requests section, so we could keep track of it.

Artem Kunytsia

Artem Kunytsia
Mike Cribb
Please, share more details when you have a moment.

Artem Kunytsia
Mike Cribb
Did you have a chance to review my message from yesterday?

Artem Kunytsia
under review

Artem Kunytsia
Mike Cribb
Could you share a screenshot, so that it was easier for me to understand the issue.
Are you using web or mobile?