Requested Document Designer Features
under review
Peter Novosel
I am updating the original request for Document Designer enhancements with the changes we've made over the past several months.
As part of the update I'm copying in the remaining requests from the original post here:
Feature Requests
- Drag and drop fields to desired location
- Option to include title of field when placing on the page layout
- Undo option
- Margins around page breaks are not working
- Set right and left margins
- Ability to mass edit similar element and field settings
- View interactive document within SmartSuite instead of creating a PDF
- Create sections that are collapsible and able to be anchored to each other
- Ability to anchor fields and elements within a section so that the anchor choices are smaller
- Add Headers, Footers, page numbers
- Format text fields as Title, Heading 1, Heading 2, etc
- Ability to add Table of Contents
- Add option for Logo like on forms
- Ability to add a table
- Ability to add grid lines to linked record table
- If table is split between pages, restate the heading columns in the top row of the table on the next page
- Linked record fields split at page break but not Lookup fields
- Linked records should be clickable hyperlinks in doc
- Pageless option
Grant Small
Hi Peter,
This is great. Looking forward to the improved functionality. It would also be great to be able to save templates. Not sure if this is a given. An alternative may be to be able to copy/re-use the document in a different solution.
Mithun Paulose
Peter Novosel This is awesome, but can we add table row/cell borders please ?
Something like the equivalent of: "
table, th, td {
border: 2px solid red;
Mathis Claßen
Peter Novosel Sounds great, but there is one major feature missing, that was requested:
SmartDocs are not fully supported. They will import as plain unformatted text.
Smart Docs are listed as supported field type in a prior change log but coming without any formatting renders them pointless.
Peter Novosel
under review