RTL support
Nadav Doron
Hey Smartsuite team.
I just start using and I really like your product. Found here many things I needed in other sulotions.
I also see you supporting many language which is great!
One thing many users around the world long for is RTL support. For some reason all other platform ignores that reqeust.
Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, Azeri, Dhivehi/Maldivian, Kurdish (Sorani), Persian/Farsi, Urdu all those are Right-To-Left languages, and all those languages speaking users will be glad to find system that support thise.
Nadav Doron
Jon Darbyshire any news? more than 2 years.. many applications are fail to support RTL, and you can be the pioneer and transfer many disappointed users from other platforms.
Gady Margalit
There is an addon - That can give a temporary solution till SmartSuite add build in support
Gady Margalit
Even doing first aid that would give partial support like https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rtlairtable/icahgdmgclkaefekamnnjhpgpphjlmib?hl=iw&gl=IL
That would be very helpful.
Jon Darbyshire
Nadav Doron Thank you for your feedback. I do understand the need for RTL to support the languages you have mentioned above. This is something that we will consider. Is there a specific language that you are most interested in.
Nadav Doron
Jon Darbyshire: Thanks for the fast reply!
My language is hebrew, and supporting hebrew will be epic!
But before supporting full language interface, RTL support will be much more easy and fast to complete.