Shared Map Views
in progress
Landyn U
I'm working with a client who has very visual investors, and I always have to share screen to show an updated map view. I would love to have this feature implemented so I can throw an iframe in their investor portal.
Really looking forward to having this implemented!
Carla Williams
YES! We want to imbed a map of our active developments on our website!
Lia Phillips
Is there an update on this feature? Really excited for it's release
Ahmed Mahmoud
Jon Darbyshire, This will be a great feature. I picked SmartSuite for our firm because of the Map view feature. I can't share the map view with anyone now. Also, if you can add a map view to the Dashboard view, that would be great. When will we have this feature ready?
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Jon Darbyshire
Gary Ford
I think anyone who you share a map view with should be able to open the map view without having to install Smartsuite. I would like to use a map view to show installations of art around town for our outdoor art museum. And of course we need control over the data that shows up on the map when you click it. It would also be sweet if some data could be set as default and show up on the map, and other data could be set to show up when you hover over the icon. Just these basic things would give much more functionality than a custom map in Google maps.
Rosson Long
Let us know how this is going! We have a logistics company who would benefit hugely from this!
Jon Darbyshire
Rosson Long: I was hoping to have this implemented last month, but a few things came up that prevented this. I am meeting with our dev team in the morning to see how quickly we can get this implemented.
Rosson Long
Jon Darbyshire Lets go!! This will be an amazing improvement.
Rosson Long
Jon Darbyshire Also wanted to mention when importing addresses/locations that the google map doesn't automatically calculate, you have to select an option from a searchable drop-down.
Is there any way to request that the map system uses the imported addresses to update the pin so it will show up on the maps?
Benjamin Bachman
I would love to have an embed view that could be searched as well.
I have a client that has dealers and leads would love to search by there addy and come up with the list of closest dealers.
We Have A Tender
Yes please 👍
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