SmartDoc Linked Record Mention's (#) Aesthetic Enhancements
Rachel Dew
Hi SmartSuite Team,
It would be nice to update the linked record mention that you can access by using the "#" symbol.
- Could we Remove the # symbol from the front of the mentioned record
- Allow for the linked text to respect the text formatting. For example if the linked recorded is mentioned in a H1 heading it should get formatted just like all the other H1 text.
Marcelo Barbosa
Yes!! And please remove the same shortcut # for creating a H1 and linking a record. There should be two different shortcuts. Besides, the 'esc to dismiss' when opening the link record attempts to close the entire detail/edit page for the record.
Thomas B
Rachel Dew I agree with this request. I like to add record links in my Checklists to the SOP and they don't look very good. I think making those links look better would make our workflows much better.