Will Hasty
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite, Jon Darbyshire, any consideration on this topic from inside SmartSuite? We also would love to match solution colors to our branding colors instead of using the current color options.
Nate Montgomery @ SmartSuite
Merged in a post:
Custom Colors For Solutions + Homepage Banner
Danique Hooijschuur
It would be amazing to have the ability to change the color of the solutions to custom (hex) colors. The current solution color options are very bright and I would love them to match the colors of my brand.
If that's not possible, maybe add lighter color options, like the 'select' field has (75%, 50% and 25%) and maybe add a brown color as well (so 100-25% brown) :)
Danique Hooijschuur
Hey Jon! To answer your questions:
- Hex codes: #F1EDED #D4CECA #A6A09C #474747 #C2BEB3 #FFB9CD
- Yes, the color of the solution on my homepage, the color of the banner on my homepage, and inside the solution (banner, background, buttons, and if possible -but maybe that's pushing it :P - even within fields like status or select)
- I would be interested in both! Maybe if we could add our own color scheme in the workspace settings, then these colors could be reflected all throughout the app. Slack actually does something similar, where you can pick a custom theme, sort of like customizing the entire color scheme of the tool: https://slack.com/intl/en-gb/help/articles/205166337-Change-your-Slack-theme#create-a-custom-theme
It would however already be such a huge difference if we could change the color of the homepage banner + solution apps and the accent color inside the solutions. I've attached screenshots of the areas I mean :)
Hope this helps! Would be really amazing if you could add these features :)
Jon Darbyshire
Hiya Danique Hooijschuur, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Could you provide us with the specific hex codes of the colors you would like to use for your solutions?
- Are there specific areas or elements in the solutions where you would like to apply these custom colors?
- Would you like the ability to change colors for individual solutions or apply a uniform color scheme across all solutions?
Lee Ann Porter
Custom colors would be great also.