Mike Marshall
Hi John
Thanks for the reply!
We are long time Desk users and use it for client communications on projects, help tickets, new requests, etc. We can see client communication history going all the way back which is super helpful.
We manually add a Desk link to every lead and work order so the two are linked up. If that could be a real link, pulling recent post details and the ability to push data out of Desk such as a new project request and have it create a new sales lead record or work order record with name, business name, phone, email, details of order, etc. that would be great. Being able to sync the client info in both directions would be handy as well.
Jon Darbyshire
Hello Mike Marshall! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific features or functionalities would you like to see in the Teamwork Desk integration?
- How do you envision the integration improving your current workflow or processes?
- Are there any specific challenges or pain points you are currently facing that this integration could address?