Test automation
Jacob Feldman
Automation testing would be fantastic! Yes please! In current state, it's necessary to create a test record, which sometimes need to be fairly complex to test an entire workflow. The ability to use an existing record as a test record to generate an example of an email would be great.
Jon Darbyshire
Should we suggest to try properly working AIRTABLE testing automation? ;-)
Who in this present world can wait one year for such a critical feature?
Hurry up, friends!
Jami Morris
This is a MUST for automation. Please, please add this to the top of the feature request list!
Luci G
After several of our previously working automations stopped working completely... we are rebuilding some of our processes... and I am finding the lack of this feature very frustrating. In fact, I am not as lucky as Wolfgang (in his comment)... because when I tried to schedule a automation that starts with "at a scheduled time" for 10 minutes after I was able to create the automation... then waited 10 minutes... for it to not run at all... to look at it again and try to troubleshoot it and finding nothing wrong with it at all... only to see at the bottom of the screen that it would not run until the following week if I left it on Wednesday for the test (even if I set the time for an hour or two ahead of my time)... is frustrating. As it is, I have to schedule it for early tomorrow morning just for a test to see if it will all work correctly. I'm not sure if this is just our account or if it is a global thing, but giving us the ability to test automations is important for productivity.
Luci G
I switched it to "daily" to see if it would change things... it didn't. Screenshot to show the date and time in my area vs when the next one will run.
Rachid Lghachi
I wanted to express my strong support for the addition of a feature that allows users to test automations within SmartSuite. As a frequent user, I find that being able to preview and troubleshoot automations before they go live would be incredibly valuable. This functionality would help ensure that workflows run smoothly and as expected, reducing the risk of errors and saving time in the long run.
I’ve seen several other users express similar sentiments, and I believe this addition would greatly enhance the user experience. It would provide us with more confidence in setting up complex automations and ensure we get the desired outcomes.
Thank you for considering this important feature, and I look forward to seeing it in future updates.
Amanda Peers
just duplicate the solution to test it.
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Need an option to run a scheduled automation on demand
Wolfgang Stahl
We want to have the option to run a scheduled automation on demand during development-/testing-phase.
Otherwise it is very annoying to find a date and time to let it run for testing purposes, as the schedule intervall is at least 15min. Even for a one time execution.
David Monahu
Fantastic idea!
Jon Darbyshire
Great to hear your perspective, Wolfgang Stahl! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more details about the specific automation you are trying to run on demand?
- What is the impact of the current 15-minute schedule interval on your development/testing process?
- Are there any specific features or functionalities you would like to see in this on-demand automation option?
Wolfgang Stahl
Hi Jon, in my case it is an automation which checks records if they meet defined conditions and then opens a ticket. But I want this functionality in general for the development process. My problem is: If i have designed an automation and I'm done with it at 12:01h I have to have a coffee break to get the results at 12:15h;-)
We Have A Tender
Wolfgang Stahl Relevant point here! �
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