Track All Usage Limits in a single dashboard view
Vasken Bakalian
A similar view like has, where we can track 👇
- Automations
- API Transactions
- File Storage
- Records per Solution (maybe the list of solution used/limit)
David Crowle
Can we even get just an email saying how many you've done this week? Anything is helpful
David Kao
How much space do I have left in my storage? Let me know.
Hendra Rusly
Same as others here, I was surprised this morning to get email that my automations are at 90%.
I though it's only logical and important that user could monitor their own usage.
Jordan Erdie
This would be very helpful! With all things that have limits- lookup fields, linked records too. And the 90% and 100% emails are great but in my experience it's too late by 90%, so a 60% or 75% would be great
Vasken Bakalian
Artem Kunytsia Jon Darbyshire any updates regarding this?
Rob Jouvenaar
Vasken Bakalian
It would really help to get insight to the usage of API request to get control over the limits...
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Automation Limits & Counts
Cameron Cox
I have now experienced back to back months either hitting or getting very close to my Plans Automation Limits.
What I find VERY difficult in Smartsuite is the fact that you put limits on the NUMBER of Automation actions in a Plan but we have NO CLEAR indication which automations are the cause and then have no way to AUDIT our automations to make sure we are not doubling up or actually have automations miss fire.
Having no dashboard VIEW of Automations and Counts and Instances is VERY frustrating considering its part of your Plan Program.
Si tengo el plan gratis, donde puedo ver el limite de uso de los endpoints , por ahora estoy haciendo pruebas , pero como tiene un limite de 100 solicitudes, nose donde puedo verlo, por cierto estoy guardando con un backend externo usando los endpoints de smartuiste,
Ahora tambien quiero saber si exsite algun limite en cuando a la lectura de las imagenes que se almacenan en smartsuite, ya que guardo la url y las abro en mi web.
Tambien le agrego a esta pregunta, donde puedo ver el limite de mb de almacenamiento de archivos
Vasken Bakalian
Jon Darbyshire any news regarding this one )?
Daniel Halenko
def needed. not knowing i was close to my automatino limit caused me issueds last month. i hit 90% overnight whilst sleeping/
if you want to warn ppl. at least do a 50% warning. so i can extrapolate easily how fast i reached it and fix it. 90% is like a 10% battery warning...too late to do anything :)
dashboard is great idea.
Vasken Bakalian
Brian Dollen any update on this?
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