Triggering automation by button
in progress
Rob Tilley
As long as the test run automation allows a date driven automations to be tested. I have automations set for 24:00 hrs on the last day of the month and it is always a surprise whether they ran properly on the morning of the first!!
Jodie Adamson
Does this mean the button must be created first and the automation added, it cant be added post an automation being made?
Thanks J
Artem Kunytsia
Hello community!
I wanted to update you on this highly requested feature. We're about 50% through the development phase, which gives us very good chances of going live before the end of Q1 (or very early in Q2).
Here's what to expect:
- You will have an ability to trigger a specified automation by clicking a certain Button.
- Automation and its button will be a hardwired pair. If you delete one side, the other one will be deleted too
- A single button can trigger a single automation. On the other side, one autiona can be linked to one button only
- Upon a click, the system will display a toast message with execution result
- Button clicks will be logged in record's activity history for better visibility
There will be several additional feature that I want to keep as a surprise :)
But trust me, you'll love them!
Patrick Szydlik
Artem Kunytsia hell yes!
Now I have questions, but I’ll wait for the release :)
Yocheved Zelishovsky
Artem Kunytsia exciting!
Brian Dollen
Merged in a post:
Button Field to trigger an automation
KLR Admin
Button to trigger automation
Jon Darbyshire
in progress
Axely Congress
I would love to have this feature. You can do this in a ClickUp doc.
Yari Schutzer
Maybe this is achievable when webhooks become available, as a Smartsuite webhook could the be URL of the button and be directed to a SmartSuite automation's inbound webhook as the trigger.
KLR Admin
Yari Schutzer: Thanks for the feedback. That is something to check out when it available.
Shawn Tabrizi
Love this request. I would expand on it a bit, and say that it would be nice to have the option to trigger automations manually from the automations menu. (i.e. have a button next to each automation that says, 'run manually' rather than waiting on the trigger to make it run.)
This could really expand the use cases for automations.
Agreed. Even Trello has this option. Lotus (pre Excel) had ability to assign hot keys to automations (macros) in the early 1980s.
Threads Julian Dumitrascu
I want to know when we can use buttons to trigger actions:,trigger,-SmartSuite%20automations.
Until then, I'd take time e.g. for talks about this. Also willing to take other actions that would help work progress.
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