Update currency display to € 1,00
Jon Darbyshire
Hey Jan-Willem S., thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Are there any specific regions or countries other than the Netherlands where this currency format is preferred?
- Would you like the currency format to be automatically adjusted based on the user's location or language settings?
- Is there a need to support both currency formats simultaneously, or should it be a single format for all users in the EU?
Jan-Willem S.
Jon Darbyshire thanks for taking this comment so serioiusly from the start.
1) I'm not 100% sure what countries use this way of noting EURO amounts. I know in Ireland for example it is also € 1.
2) I think this is defintaley the way to go. When I select Dutch localization €-values should be shown as € 1.
3) Supporting both is required, since for example in France, they work with the 1 € format.
Rebecca Kempfer
Jon Darbyshire
Yes, please tie it at least to the localisation. In Germany the € symbol comes after the amout. Thank you