"View as (mere) editor" mode, for devs
William Porter
SmartSuite has some strong features governing permissions, roles, etc. It's possible to prevent certain users from editing fields, for example, or even viewing them.
What I really need as a developer is the ability to temporarily PRETEND to be a non-developer user. This is a great feature in Knack and would be very useful in SmartSuite. Would allow me to test as a user to make sure that (say) completely hiding a field doesn't cause problems, and of course just to see what the solution looks like from the end-user's (editor's) view.
Way this works is, I select a privilege set to impersonate, and a little button appears at top of page (say) saying something like "Impersonating Editor privileges. Click to return to Developer privileges."
Michelle Le
This feature would be super helpful!
Jon Kim
This would be invaluable as an admin trying to understand what each line of business would see.
Freida Rivera
We at MediaLab could really use this feature as well!
Jon Kim
Bumping this. This would be a great feature to test out functionality and to observe how an end-user to would see things.
David Pfeffer
Bumping this. To protect sensitive information from end-users, employees etc, it would be great to be able to "view as" that end user.
Nathalie Collins
This would be a tremendously help.