Gmail Sync for CRM Functionality
Ginger Dixon
In order to use the system as a true CRM, it seems the only missing feature is the communication history which can be accomplished with an email platform integration (Gmail would be a great start). This would allow for any emails related to the email address in the contact record to be visible via the contact record. Ideally this info would also rollup into any associated account or opportunity records as well. Until then the view into the opportunities isn't complete and is only data related, which is great but especially for remote teams the history of conversations via email is necessary.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Email Limitations
James Malin
Hey guys, so i have just been made aware that email connections are only available on Pro Plans & Above.
For me, this is probably the worst experience i've had with SS to date. I feel emails should always be native in apps with CRM capabilities. (just with limitations on sending)
Granted SS is a little different but i feel like this could be addressed.
What are the possibilities of having a private and separate subscription for email services. I appreciate paywalls are needed, but quite frankly, emails are the last thing we recommend in SS but it's what everybody wants, so to have to pay for it as a Pro plan user, and then as a builder have to jump through significant hoops just to make it work, doesn't make sense.
This would therefore mean leaving the 1 way sync native, but allowing for more advanced capabilities with an added update.
If i was to pay for emails with SS, i would expect a much easier onboarding and better use case from this (2 way sync, much better automation potential, for easy email distribution and client communication management)
Unfortunately, the CRM aspect of SS, even with this email add on, still makes it the most limiting email service of all offered.
Every client we have developed for so far, has loved SS so much, that coming away from a Hubspot, Smartlead, Instantly, or any other CRM for that matter is a matter of "I don't just want it, i need it now because of how much i love living in SS"
So our clients are also requesting this a lot, which is currently a very complex conversation to have due to the current limitations with 1 way sync and is often a deal breaker for using SS in the end. (Yes i know we can automate this with zaps, but thats my point about it being limited, difficult and not 100% trusted, because of automation)
Paolo Barbieri
fast please
Jon Darbyshire
Thank you for posting, James Malin! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific features or capabilities would you expect from a separate email subscription service?
- How important is two-way email sync to your workflow, and what specific benefits would it provide?
- Can you provide examples of how the current email limitations have impacted your business operations or client relationships?
Emma Montgomery
Ruben Uzan
Emma Montgomery Isnt it the same as or this one?, somehow they all serve the same purpose it seems, to be able to send emails to a record or to a table, which will trigger the creation of a task. ClickUp doees it if you want to check them out and see how they do it.
We Have A Tender
Sonia Roselli
YEs please!!!!!
Ara Bozadjian
yup, it's great having a CRM template but really needs a GMail, Missive, Front or Polymail etc integration option... pls.
Ruben Uzan
Ara Bozadjian IMAP one too?